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What is the best month to come to Las Vegas?

Many people wonder when is the best time to come to Las Vegas. Without hesitation, we will respond from mid-March to mid-June and from mid-September to mid-November. In summer it gets really hot, so this limits outdoor activities. And in winters, the days are very short, it can be cold and most pools are closed. If you can't come during these ideal times, don't worry, you'll still have a great Vegas vacation no matter when you come. Below you will find some information on the annual weather in Las Vegas.

Spring - March to May

What is the weather like in Las Vegas during spring? We can easily say that weather-wise, this is one of the best times to come to Las Vegas. In March and April, the nights remain relatively cool, but the days can be very pleasant. However, there may be occasional rainy or windy days. However, May is really the month to favor, because, whether night or day, the temperatures are truly ideal for enjoying outdoor activities in Las Vegas.
Average temperatures: March 40°F / 72°F, April 45°F/81°F, May 53°F/90°F

Red Rock Canyon

Summer - June to August

What is the weather like in Las Vegas in summer? The answer is quite simple: Sunny, Warm, even very hot. However, this reality must be put into perspective by the fact that the humidity level is very low, so the feeling of heat is not the same as in tropical areas for example, which can quickly be suffocating when the humidity level is very high. However, you must be very reasonable about outdoor activities by practicing them early in the morning and always have water with you and not be alone. Sometimes there can be very violent rainstorms accompanied by flooding.
Average temperatures: June 61°F / 102°F, July 67°F/107°F, August 66°F/104°F

Valley of Fire

Fall - September to November

What is the weather like in Las Vegas in Fall? Generally speaking it is a very sunny period with a possible deterioration towards the end of November. The ideal month really is October. In September it can still be very hot and outdoor activities remain delicate.
Average temperatures: September 57°F / 96°F, October 46°F/83°F, November 35°F/70°F

Valley of Fire

Winter - December to February

What is the weather like in Las Vegas in Winter? We can easily say that this is the period of all unknowns. There can be mild and sunny days, as well as cold, gray and windy days. But let's be honest, the cold prevails and there can even be snowfall at low altitudes, although they are rare. It should also be noted that the days are very short because night falls between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. But since Las Vegas is more beautiful at night, this is not necessarily a negative point.
Average temperatures: December 27°F / 60°F, January 28°F/59°F, February 33°F/66°F

Red Rock Canyon

Credit photos: Chelsea Vnd

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